Saturday, 22 March 2014


Joy. Happiness. Delight.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control

I struggle with a lot of those - maybe I should strive for joy. 

I'm not the most positive person I know. In fact I'm pretty much known for being a misery! Well, hopefully not a misery, but definitely a fairly negative realist. I did one of those online quiz things recently and out of all the Mr Men (whom I love dearly!), I was Little Miss Sunshine. One of my very best friends laughed a lot, probably more than one. I'm not known for being a sunshine.

I should try though. 

I have so much to be happy about. I've just finished the literacy comments on my school reports for one! That's a biggie at this time of year. But also, I look at all the things I have. A happy, healthy, gorgeous family, an amazing bunch of friends, a job.....and almost a new job. Oh and I should say I'm pretty chuffed to only have 3 weeks left as a teacher.

So I should be more joyous. Exude more joy. Maybe that should be my challenge.

I certainly look at people around me who have so many more problems than me and they celebrate the joy in all kinds of things. One friend in particular who has far far more than her fair share of struggles, and yet she is very often positive, joyful, and always always rejoices in the Lord.

And looking at the fruits of the spirit, well....
 I definitely struggle with peace (I do have two small children after all!) 
Patience is something God has been trying to teach me....I am working on it,. 
Faithfulness I'm not bad. A faithful wife, mother and friend. Gentleness...again, um.
Self control.....not around chocolate certainly.

So ok, I'll try joy. Let's go!

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Disclaimer : I know it's not Friday. It nearly is....but that's the 'wrong' Friday. This is for last week. I guess life got  busy. But it's still five minutes......


I don't like crowds. I think of the Trafford Centre on the Saturday afternoon before Christmas. That gives me shivers. Part of that is the paranoia that rages, part of it is by upbringing - Mum and Dad never did crowded shopping, we always went early in the morning!

Being part of the crowd.

I've never been part of the "in-crowd". I was more on the edge. Friends with lots of people, but not being part of the popular bunch. I think I'm happy with that. I have a lot of fabulous friends that way.

But crowds of young people.That is one thing that make me worry about my girls and their teenage years. Already blonde, leggy and (with a mother's bias!) beautiful. Will they want to be part of the crowd? Will they be strong enough to stand out?

Esther seems pretty strong in her own opinions. (Opinionated? Yes. Gobby? Yes. Gorgeous? Definitely!) When she was about 3, she started ballet and when I bought her first ballet leotard we discussed colours. It came in pink (obviously!), blue or white. She chose blue. I did point out that all the other girls wore pink, but no, she was strong, she wanted blue. And blue she had. She wore it as an individual. She stood out from the crowd.

She's quite an independent little thing too. Likes to play with different people, has no 'best friend' at school and is happy in her own company. I pray that stays with her. And with Phoebe. That they won't follow the crowd to the wrong places. That they will have the strength to stand up for what is right.

Or I bury my head and ignore the thought of the teenage years!

Monday, 3 March 2014


Choices. Decisions. I'm not very good at those. Ask my poor husband. He knows if he asks me what I want for tea, I can never make a decision. That doesn't stop me objecting to anything he suggests though!

My 'poor' husband is one great choice I made. I would choose him if I had my time again. He's not perfect (just like his wife!), but he's perfect for me. He was definitely the right choice.

Choices are hard though. I've just resigned as a teacher. That was a hard choice. It was made to protect my mental welfare, and that of my family. Choosing a new job was tricky too. I hope I have made the right choice.....only time will tell.

I shan't regret it however. I don't do regrets. Whatever choices I have made, I have made them with the best intentions, the greatest knowledge I could accrue at the time, and for the right reasons. I don't think looking back and wishing I had done things differently is useful. I am lucky. Very lucky. The choices I have made have led me to here, which is not a  bad place to be at all!

God gives us choices. He lets us choose. He suggests things, He blocks things that aren't the right choice, and promotes those that are. But He gives us choice. He gives us free will. That's a hard concept for some people, but it's amazing that if we choose to love Him, He will do everything in His power to help us to make the right decisions.

Jeremiah says,
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."

God has our best interests at heart and if we listen to Him, we can rest in the knowledge that the right choices are the ones He helps us to make.

What will you choose today? x