Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Storm [31 Days...Day 12]

Fire before us
You're the brightest.
You will lead us through the storm

I'm sure I've used this song before but Rend Collective's My Lighthouse really speaks to me. I've always loved lighthouses. I have some of Jean Guichard's lighthouse photos on the walls on my landing and I really love the colours and beauty of them contrasting with the power of those waves.

There are waves in life that always threaten to overcome us. Waves that look so strong, that sound so fierce. They intimidate and scare us.

To travel through those waves would be very frightening, especially in a small boat, rowing against the current. For sailors, the lighthouse shines the way. Leads them away from the rocks, to safety.

For us, God is that lighthouse. I'd always thought of God as leading us to Himself, which I am sure He is still doing, but as the lighthouse, He lights the way through the perils, the dangers and the fear, and leads us safely through the troubled waters.

Sometimes those storms look so dark, so intimidating. But there is always a light. Shining constantly in the darkness. Helping us to travel through the storm. We have to look for it. To not be battered down by the wind, the rain and the fear. But if we look, we will see it. If we trust in God, we can weather any storm.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Rest [31 Days...Day 11]

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Today is a day of rest. So here's my five minutes of rest. Perfect after two night shifts x

Ready [31 Days...Day 10]

Hmm, I'm finding this hard. Maybe I wasn't ready to write for 31 days non-stop.

Are we ever ready for what comes our way? We can't predict the future, so we don't know what's round the next corner. Will we be ready for it?

I wasn't ready for my husband's "help" with this. I was sat here thinking about what to write today (yes, I know it's a day late....blame working night shifts!). Anyway, sitting her looking pensive and he asked what was wrong. I told him I was struggling with 'ready', and he started reeling off word associations and then song lyrics.

Ready Brek.

Are you ready? Are you ready for love?

Let's get ready, ready, let's get ready, ready, let's get ready to rhumble.

Oh dear.  I don't think I'm ever really ready for his input! He's still whittering on now....Ready, Steady Cook....ready cash. Oh dear. I wasn't ready for that 'help'!

But are we ready? Are we ready for tomorrow?

My clothes are out (on the floor, obviously!), my handbag is probably packed, my alarm is set and my car is full of fuel (thanks to the aforementioned, occasionally useful) husband. So I'm ready to go to work.....I wonder what I'll find. Will I be ready?!

Friday, 9 October 2015

Five Minute Friday : Trust [31 Days...Day 9]

Trust....the giving of yourself really in faith to something someone says, promises or does.

Whom do you trust?

My girls skipped off into school this morning trusting that I will be there at 3.30 to pick them up.  I sent Chris off to Cornwall yesterday for work, trusting that he will come home, and come home safely. He trusted the pilot of the plane that flew him to Exeter Airport on that journey. I've put cakes into the oven this morning, trusting that it's as hot as it says on the dial and that it won't stop working halfway through. (Nobody wants half-cooked cake!)

There's a lot of trust needed in this world.

But giving trust has to be done carefully. Think of the Jungle Book. "Trussssssst in me, trusssssst in me," sings Kaa. And he appears trustworthy. We know, as the viewers, that he is not, but Mowgli is fooled.

How many things in your life appear trustworthy, but maybe aren't?

God can always be trusted. He may not always answer prayers and petitions in the way that we ask, the way we want or the way we expect. But I know He is always listening and I can trust Him to do what is right for me. I can trust in Him.

It's not easy. It's not always straightforward. But He's the safest thing you can put your trust in,

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Purple [31 Days...Day 8]

I was eleven. It was high school time. Off I went on that first day, found my classroom (in the Bungalow) and started a journey. It was a journey in which I found I loved learning. Yes, I was a swot, yes I worked very hard, but wow, I enjoyed learning.

I got good grades, and a well-rounded education (I think!). Ok, so there were no boys, but that was ok, because it was via a school friend that I met Chris.

And it's those school friends that I remember. Lots of girls.

Lots of girls in purple.

Grey skirts that we rolled up as far as we dared before some teacher made us kneel down and measured them. Those stripy shirts that they brought in. And the purple jumpers.

It took me a long time to wear purple again after we left.

But it's a strong colour. The colour of royalty I'm told. The colour of plums, and aubergines (just been chatting about a cake made with them!). A strong colour.

A colour that defined my friends for many years. and I'm grateful for each of those friends, for together they helped shape me into the woman I am today. Thanks to social media I'm still in touch with lots of them, just vaguely, but it's lovely to hear what they are doing. And I hope the girls (and now boys....shock, horror!) dressed in purple today are grateful for the opportunities that they have. And that they develop that same love of learning that we had.

Purple - worn in my past, shaped my future.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Love [31 Days...Day7]

Love is patient, love is kind.

Love is a man splenrouder thing.

Lots of things have been written about love. I suspect it's the theme of most songs written and a lot of fiction.

Love is important though. Something possibly we need to survive. Love from someone.

Is the word overused though? Does that dampen what it means when we really tell someone we love them? I mean, I love chocolate, but it doesn't compare to what I mean when I tell my family that I love them. I love baking, but it doesn't compare to the love of God.

Showing love is so important. Showing God's love. I've been reading Matthew in a challenge with some friends to become more like Mary and less like Martha, and today one of them challenged us to live in a 'salty' way to point to Jesus. That's hard. But in showing love to other people we can start to do just that. Showing love that we have because God created us to love.

In the beginning God loved us, and He loves us to the end. He sent His son to die for us, that's how much He loves us. That's mind boggling, all consuming, indescribable love.

So today, let's show love. Let's show a little of God's love to someone else.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Possible [31 Days...Day 6]


Anything is possible.....is it?!

At college tonight (I'm doing a Counselling diploma!) we were talking about where we see ourselves in 3 years time, and what makes up the wall between here and there. That was interesting. It made me think back three years. If you had told me then that I would be out of teaching, happily in a new job, no longer feeling on the edge of a breakdown, and even taking on the diploma, well I think I'd have laughed. But here I am. It is possible.

I'm not sure 'anything' is possible, but certainly there are a lot of things you could do if you tried.

Possibilities arise when you don't expect them...maybe. I don't know. What is possible for one person may not be possible for another. And maybe you don't know what is possible until you try.

They may possibly be great things around the corner, there could possibly be disaster. But I guess heading towards the corner and then trying to turn it will tell you what's round it.

Take the first step.

That *is* possible, then see what tomorrow brings.......

Monday, 5 October 2015

Home [31 Days : Day 5]

Home is where the heart is.........

Finding this prompt hard so there's the first quote that came to mind.

Interesting though. I'd love for my home to be a place where people meet, where people feel safe and 'at home'. Where people can come, visit, stay a while, relax, feel comfortable to make their own brews (probably important as I'm a rubbish hostess), and enjoy themselves.  In reality, I often feel a bit twitchy when I have people in my house. At the weekend, I had 4 of Esther's friends to stay for a sleepover for her birthday. Part of me loved it - they we very well behaved. And part of me felt very uncomfortable having them there. A bizarre two sided thing!

I love going to other people's homes. I like noseying to see what they are like, how they are decorated, etc. I like being where I feel at home. I have a few friends whose houses feel like that. Where I can put my feet up on the sofa (without shoes, obviously!), where I can be me, where I can relax.

I love my home when it is filled with my family. When it is empty, it can be a lonely place, a quiet place. I should take advantage of the peaceful times, but to me, home feels empty without my girls.

I think home may be where the heart is. Or at least where love is. Where love is felt and returned.

Embrace [31 Days...Day 4]

Embrace....that's a tricky one (And this is take 2 as I lost the first one....should have embraced it harder!)

Embrace your loved ones. Hold them tight, look at them carefully, breathe in their scent, and then squeeze them a little tighter. They are special. They are loved. Embrace them today. We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Embrace the day. Today is a gift. It's a day like no other. Be grateful for where you are, and that you woke up today. Cherish the day. We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Embrace the challenge. Take on a new challenge. Whether it's something big or small, I dare you. Dream those dreams, and then make them reality. New things can be scary but they could be just what you need to do. Do it today, don't wait. We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

So go on, embrace something today. Take on the world. You're made for such a day as this and you are unique, the way you are for a reason. Give it a go.


Saturday, 3 October 2015

Capture [31 Days...Day 3]

Yesterday was Esther's 8th birthday. She is growing up so fast. Both the girls are. It's crazy. I look at photos of them as babies and it feels like yesterday. Those photos capture a moment. A moment in time that we can never get back. A moment before they grow more and more.

And today is a moment like that. I currently have 4 of Esther's friends asleep (hopefully!) with her and Phoebe on our lounge floor. I looked at them today and tried to capture the moment.

For you see, each moment is special. Each moment is quite unlike the one before, and unlike any that will come again. And each moment is one to be captured. To be treasured.

That's not always easy. I was talking today to a friend who has recently adopted and the made me think as she said, "I'm just doing tasks and feel like I'm borrowing them for now." That cannot be easy. I hope her moments become ones to treasure.

So today, capture a moment. Hold it tight. Maybe do something unusual, something different. And capture it. For it is a blessed moment, and it's for you.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Family [31 Days...Day 2]

My family are my everything. I am very very lucky that I have two fabulous parents, a slightly odd but lovely brother, and sister in law, and a huge fun-filled family-in-law.

My parents support me in everything. Every choice, every decision, and are always behind me. They are often the ones picking up my kids, sorting out the electrician, or a myriad of other things that I just can't do!

My mum is the one I take my tangled knitting to when I'm having a disaster. My Dad is one to whom I go with DIY questions, financial decisions and really most anything!

I am very lucky to have fabulous parents and such a great family.

I only hope I can be as good for my children. My little family in my house. My gorgeous husband who supports me, loves me, looks after me and gives amazing cuddles. And my two wee girlies. It's the Esther's birthday today (How am I Mum to an 8 year old?!), and she shines like a star. Phoebe is fabulous too. They are so similar, yet so different. Both amazing, both a wonderful blessing to me and to many others.

I pray my family know how much I love them, and that my girls will always be close to me and able to come to me with their thoughts. I'm not sure how much use we'll be with their DIY problems but I hope we can always try our best to help.

Family. It's special. Treasure it, whatever yours looks like. Love the ones who love you and hold tight to those who matter.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Calling. [31 Days...Day 1]

Calling.....do people have a calling? Do you?  Do I?

I think a few years ago I thought I was to be a teacher forever. Now I know that's not true. I left teaching 17 months ago and I haven't looked back. I wouldn't go back, not for anything.  So what is my calling? I'm not sure. Do I have one?!

I'm called by my children regularly. "Muuuuuuummyyyyyy!" is often a shout from them. Usually because they want something, or have lost something. And I love being Mummy to them. It's something very special that only I can be to those girls.  Maybe that's a calling.

I don't think I have a calling as a writer. I've enjoyed blogging, and like being back into it but I doubt I'll make it through these 31 days. There are too many other things calling me. Things like family, work, college, other ways I fill my time. They may well call me away from the blog. But I shall try.

Come along with me for the ride. I'll call for you.....hop in!

31 Days...

So the Five Minute Friday gang have set a challenge. To write on your blog for five minutes for each day in October...31 days. Now, I'm not sure I'll manage - I tend to be better at giving up than finishing but here goes.

So Mooble in Five Minutes, every day of October. Prompts chosen by FMF guys. The gaps on Fridays are for the normal Five Minute Friday topics. (Links will appear...hopefully...as each blog appears)

Day 1 : Calling
Day 2 : Five Minute Friday : Family
Day 3 : Capture
Day 4 : Embrace
Day 5 : Home
Day 6 : Possible
Day 7 : Love
Day 8 :Purple
Day 9 : Five Minute Friday : Trust
Day 10 : Ready
Day 11 : Rest
Day 12 : Storm
Day 13 : Patience
Day 14 : Fly
Day 15 : Laugh
Day 16 :
Day 17 : Offer
Day 18 : Worth
Day 19 : Honour
Day 20 ; Temporary
Day 21 : Wave
Day 22 : Value
Day 23 :
Day 24 : Silence
Day 25 : Crash
Day 26 : Whisper
Day 27 : Perhaps
Day 28 : Hope
Day 29 : Sea
Day 30 :
Day 31 : Almost

Friday, 25 September 2015


Doubt. We all doubt things. I doubt myself....often.

I doubt I am right for this place, this time.
I doubt I am the best Mum I could be.

I doubt I am the best wife I could be.

I doubt I did it right today.

I doubt I'll do it right tomorrow.

But then the words to this song that my girls learned at school come belting in my ear :
In my wrestling and in my doubts, 
In my failures you won't walk out.
Your great love will see me through.
You are the peace in my troubled sea.

It's from a song called My Lighthouse by Rend Collective and I urge you to listen to it. (Click here!) It sounds great and the lyrics are fabulous.

But knowing that even in my doubts, God won't walk out. He doesn't doubt me, even when I doubt myself. He put me here for this time, this place. I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139 verse 14)....so why should I doubt?

I know why I do, and why I shouldn't, but it doesn't stop me.

I just need to make sure it doesn't overcome me. That lighthouse stands firm even in the fiercest winds and storm and God will hold me safe if I let Him. I need to let Him be my peace.

So today I encourage you to let God be your peace. Let Him stand beside you in whatever you are facing. He doesn't doubt that you can do it, He knows you are right for here and now.

In honesty, I doubt I'll remember this later when things are hard, or I'm feeling fed up, but today if you have doubts about God, speak to someone. Ask those questions and He will allay those doubts.

Monday, 21 September 2015


Celebrate. Well it's nearly Esther's birthday. That'll be a celebration, with cake, candles and a sleepover. Yikes!

But really there are so many things to celebrate. We should celebrate the small things.

The sunshine (in the North West, in September....well, we'll try!).

The sunrises and the sunsets, so pretty.

The times we have together.

The tasty lunches, the giggles, the cuddles.

We should celebrate it all.  It's a shame we're often too busy to celebrate the small things. Maybe it's time to make an effort to celebrate them.

Its easy to get bogged down in the day to day. In the hum-drum. In the normal. But let's celebrate the normal. Celebrate that we can do the dull stuff as well. Plenty of people would love the dull stuff.

So tomorrow I shall try to celebrate something good, something small. And I challenge you to do the same.

Saturday, 12 September 2015


Same. No two people are the same. But you, God are the same yesterday, today and forever.

My girls look very similar. But gosh they are not the same. Total individuals, with a love for each other that is the same in its fierceness. Long may that continue. I hope they're free to grow up as individuals too. All too often, especially in education, there is pressure to be the same. To like the same things, to look the same.  I don't know how to parent them through that pressure, but I hope our love and the love of God helps and supports them through that.

Also, they are similar to me. Especially Esther maybe. We were talking today about her finding the change to Juniors hard. Things don't stay the same. I guess that's one truth in life. Things change.

E likes things to stay the same. She gets that from me. Sorry lovely! Chris today compared her move to Juniors and the unknown, to the way I am responding to starting a new college course. That's not the same, and I have the same fears of the unknown and worries that she has moving upstairs in school to a new classroom, new class group, new keystage.

But hey. If everything stayed the same, we would miss all kinds of adventures, opportunities and chances to change. Nothing stays the same. Not the water in the sea, not the air we breathe.

But the love of God stays the same. He continues to love us and work for the best in us in all situations. We need to rememeber that.  And I don't want to stay the same, no matter how safe it feels. I want to grow, to change and to reach my potential. (Remind me of that will you, when I'm cowering in a corner being afraid!

Let's go!

Friday, 4 September 2015


Yes.......Mooble is back. I haven't written a 5 minute Friday for over a year. Seeing as the last one was after my first week in my 'new' job, I could say I've been too busy, but it's more likely to be that I don't often know what day it is, so Fridays hurry past. I keep thinking of coming back, and today....yes....here I am. (If you want to know more about Five Minute Friday, then click here)


It's something I say far too rarely to my kids. I'm far more likely to say no. And I notice it now because of the job I do. Part of my job is working with children allowing them and enabling them to do what they want to do. Saying yes.

I sat in work only last week with a girl who was emptying all manner of glitter, sand, and other fabulous textured things into a pot which had originally contained 'gloop' (you know, cornflour and water. Never made it? Oh you should!). Well she added the glitter, and all kinds of other things we had out for sensory activities and every part of me (well the teacher and mum parts!) wanted to say, 'No, Stop. Don't waste  it'. But I didn't. I said 'yes'. And she had a fabulous time.

It made me think I should do that at home with my girls.....but I probably won;t. It's harder to say yes when it's your ingredients and your house to clean up.

But I should say yes more often.

God says yes to me. He shows me the things I need to see, and leads me in the ways I should go. He has helped me to say yes recently to things I didn't think I would say yes to. And I'm grateful, and excited. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but here's hoping it's the chance to say ......yes.