Friday, 1 February 2019



Where is love?

Where are you?

The last one is a question I ask my husband every day when he rings me to tell me he's on his way home. "The motorway roundabout," is usually his answer, but it does depend which roundabout as to how long until he walks in through our front door.

Where am I? Well right now I'm in my lounge. Oh you wanted more profound than that? Well ok. I'm actually in a good place. In a family I love and who love me, in a job I love and where I feel valued and worthwhile, in a place I feel lucky to be.

I remember at my brother's wedding doing a reading by A.A.Milne. "Wherever I am there's always Pooh, there's always Pooh and me." It sounds lovely until you read it out loud and then it provokes giggles. I suspect that's why he chose it for me to read. Cheers bro! But I guess I now know that wherever I am, God is with me. He stands firm against the storm for me, he comforts me in difficult times and He rejoices with me when I am happy.

I'm lucky to be where He is. And I'd like to stay there. I know it's not easy and I find it easy to wander away or to look the wrong way, but I am grateful that He gently guides me back to where He is and where I should be.

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