Friday 1 March 2019


Everybody’s searching for a hero…
Search for the hero inside yourself…
Song lyrics that came to mind there – why are they all about searching for heroes? Maybe we’re all heroes in our own way.
Last night we were searching. Searching for the password for the local authority site as our older girlie found out which high school she has been allocated this morning. We didn’t find the password but the email landed this morning and she has got her first choice so she’ll be pleased.
Heading to high school leads to some searching though. She’ll be searching to find her lessons and learn her way around. And also searching for her place in the school. Her place within a friendship group (I hope), her place in the pecking order. It’s not easy, and I don’t think I envy her. Teenage years in the modern social media times *shudder*. Working with young people I see a lot of issues with these and they search for their place in the world.
The search function online is a blessing and curse though. I love being able to find out almost any information in w few minutes using a search engine. I can’t work out how we lived before that really! But also we need to armed with the knowledge that all we search for may not be found. Happiness is not inside our screens. And things we post online may be searched by someone else for the rest of time. Worth remembering.

So as we search for a place, I am reminded that God holds me firmly in His hand. He set me on this path and walks with me as I search for where I am going, He keeps me safe. And I need to trust Him to hold me and my wee girl on the right paths.